And   thou   shalt   teach   them   diligently   unto   thy   children,   and   shalt   talk   of   them   when   thou   sittest   in   thine   house,   and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deut. 6:7
Welcome to Valley Christian School Online We   seek   to   provide   a   wide   range   of   resources   which   will   help   parents   to   raise   their   children   in   accordance   with   God's Word.   We   can   provide   a   full   curriculum   (excluding   music   and   Modern   Foreign   Languages)   for   children   from   Preschool (KS0)   to   KS2.   Maths   and   Science   are   covered   for   KS3,   KS4   and   to   iGCSE   standard.   All   this   is   underpinned   and   driven   by a   sound   Christian   ethos.   We   also   have   high   quality,   educational   products   available   to   purchase   and   can   offer   Maths coaching for all ages using the latest web technologies. Whether   you   are   simply   looking   for   more   resources   to   supplement   and   complement   your   child   in   school,   or   you   are already home educating or considering it, VCSO can help. Learning, like life, is a journey and we hope to travel with you for as long as you need our support.
S C O  alley Christian School Online
Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.
  Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell  it  to the generation following
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