S C O  alley Christian School Online
Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.
  Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell  it  to the generation following
KS0 - KS2. Covers age four to age eleven.
Most of the resources for KS0, KS1 and KS2 have originally been produced by King’s School Witney, a Christian school in Oxfordshire. Valley Christian School Online has purchased the resources and has converted them into digital booklets. Digital copies of all booklets can be viewed and downloaded from the website. We are also able to supply printed booklets at a reasonable cost. All the parent’s guides are comprehensive and follow a regular pattern. They have a biblical Truth to Teach which are bible references that are the source of the subject. This is followed by the Way to Work which is a lesson based means of conducting the topic. The fulfilment is confirmed in the Learning For Life list.      English The English curriculum consists of a termly parent’s guide and an annual pupil workbook for each year. They cover Enjoying Words (comprehension and literature), Correct Words (grammar and punctuation), Writing Words (factual and creative writing) and Spelling/Phonics Words with many stories and references being biblically based. Geography The Geography scheme of work is topic based with a parent’s guide for each topic and pupil’s workbook for the whole subject (Year 1 to Year 6). Topics covered include God’s Heart for the Nation, God’s Heart for Europe, Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Hearts and God’s Amazing Landscapes. History The History scheme of work is also topic based with a parent’s guide and pupil’s workbook for each topic. The topics start from Year 3 with His Changing World - Unchanging God, Vikings and Romans and then Year 5 and 6 cover Tudors and Victorians.
Science The Science begins as projects for Years 1 and 2 and continues with topics covered within parent’s guides and pupil’s workbooks. Topics covered include weather, water, forces, heat, electricity, plants and creation in Years 3 and 4. Years 5 and 6 cover sound, light, characteristics of living things, living and non-living things,  electricity, heat, forces and motion, materials and their properties, and projects on Marvellous Me and God’s Amazing Matters, Science is taught as a continuous, active process whereby a child is made aware of his environment through the development of skills, abilities and attitudes. Both theory and practise are covered in the lessons. Maths The comprehensive STEPS Maths scheme is a practical, hands-on scheme supported by attractively designed workbooks and additional Resource Master worksheets. The parent’s guide is prescriptive in it’s direction explaining how to teach the concepts. Some equipment is required but not all is essential. There are also Assessment suggestions and additional differentiated worksheets to challenge more able children. Cambridge Primary Maths games Cambridge Primary Maths books are entirely full of games that are arranged by skill set and year. What a brilliant complementary tool to ensure that learning maths remains fun!
MOB: 0785 1068 734 EMAIL: vcso@cero.org.uk